Top 5 Competitive Beyblade Combos to Crush Your Next Tournament (SuperKing Edition)

Top 5 Competitive Beyblade Combos to Crush Your Next Tournament (SuperKing Edition)

, by Concepcion Guzman, 14 min reading time

These combos below are Superking Edition. We have created a new list with the newer releases from Burst Dynamite. Please click here to read the Top 5 Beyblade Burst Combos in Standard Beystadium


Looking to make it to the finals in your next tournament?! You are in the right place. Read on to learn some of the best combos to get you there!


As we mentioned in our tournaments, building solid combos require you to combine different parts from other beyblades. While we always want to have one single combo to beat every opponent, we often find out that's not the case due to the different types of styles such as spin directions and mode types.


Your goal in any beyblade tournament should always be to navigate through the initial rounds with as many wins as possible in order to qualify to the finals. Most of the time this means winning 3 to 5 rounds in Swiss Format or winning at least 65-70% of your rounds in other formats. 


Now, how do you really build your combos for the best chance of winning? 

We have studied and gathered all the great intel from our tournaments to provide you an easy-to-follow process to build our top 4, tier 1 beyblade combos that will give you the best chances of making the finals and even winning an entire tournament. 


1. Tempest Lucifer II Wheel Xt+ 1S

Tempest Lucifer Wheel Xt+ 1S

Comments: This is personal favorite. Tempest is one of the best layers in the game right now and we certainly believe it will be for quite some time in future. This is a top-tier stamina combo that will give you the best chance to out-spin most opponents. 


It also provides you solid defense from attack types beyblades and even allow you to make mid-battle adjustments by becoming an attack type with the versatility of the Xt+ driver.


The Lucifer II chip has a small rubber that makes this combo basically un-burstable (not sure if that's a real word :) 


I have seen many players during our tournaments going undefeated all the way to the finals with just this combo alone. 


Combo DNA:


Difficulty to Launch: Easy


  • The wheel disk make this combo extremely stable. Even with bad launches, it helps you spinning solidly towards the center of the stadium. 
  • Performance: 


  • VS Left Spin Stamina: Depending on your opponent's driver, this combo will out-spin most opponents and get you the "W", especially when setting the Xt+ driver on stamina mode. Some of the drivers to watch out for are Drift, Rise, Xt+, and Zone'Z. Opponents with any of those drivers could get you into a spinning showdown.

  • VS Right Spin StaminaThe Xt+ driver has a great same-spin stamina. With a solid launch, you should increase the odds of winning.

  • VS Left Spin Attack: Here is where Tempest excels. The key here is to do a soft-to-moderate launch to avoid any instant ring out and allow the attacker to increase your spin rate while they run out of gas.  

  • VS Right Spin Attack:  Here is the big "IF". Right spin attack types are one of the biggest weakness for right spins beyblades. Here where it come down to strategize your launch to avoid any instant direct attacks and ring outs. If your opponent has an strict attack driver suck as EvolutionJolt or Destroy, it is a good idea to escape for those first 3 seconds of the battle while they exhaust their spinning energy.  If your opponent has a good attack LAD (life after dead) driver such as Destroy, it comes down to the launching strategy of each other. Still, the idea is to avoid getting hit on those first few attacks to increase your chances of out-spinning.
  • What parts do you need to build this combo? 

    Tempest Lucifer II Wheel Xt+ 1S Takara Tomy

  • Layer: Tempest (Takara Tomy B-171 GT Triple Set)
  • Chip: Lucifer II (Takara Tomy B-175 Lucifer the End Kou)
  • Disc: Wheel (Takara Tomy B-161 Glide Ragnaruk)
  • *Driver: Xt+ (Takara Tomy B-150 Union Achilles)
  • Chasis: 1S (Takara Tomy B-161 Glide Ragnaruk)

    * The Xt+ driver in image above has a gold chip. The B-150 Union Achilles comes with a red chip. The gold chip extension is found in the Long Bey Launcher Set


    2. Rage Helios II Xceed'Z 3A

    Comments: Rage Longinus is by far the best stock beyblade out of the box. It provides amazing upward attack power and the dynamic of it makes it the best left spin attack in the game. Now, if you want a little more power, weight, and LAD, this combo it is almost unbeatable. Read on!


    Combo DNA:


    Difficulty to Launch: Moderate-to-Hard


  • This combo could be wild for beginners. It requires a lot of practice and understanding of the trajectories it takes when launched. It is not rocket since, it just takes practice to get the feel of it. Once you get it, you become a real phenomenon. The combination of the Xceed driver with the 'Z metal tip provides the best of both worlds for a attack type. Great upward, flower pattern attack with great LAD stamina for the final spins of the battle. 



  • VS Left Spin Stamina: This is where this combo shines. It absolutely crush left spins. For previous releases such as Gatinko, you can expect a high probability of bursting the opponent. For newer version such as Superkings, expect very strong hits and high probability of ring-outs. 

  • VS Right Spin Stamina: This is where it get tricky. An experience opponent with a good LAD driver such as Drift or Zone'Z could do a soft launch and force you to run out of stamina, spin-steal, or even self-KO. Here it comes down to your opponent experience and your launch strategy. Even though your odds are close to even, you can still gain advantage with the LAD of the combination of Xceed'Z driver. 

  • VS Left Spin Attack: This is a rapid fire showdown. A lot of speed, strong hits, and a lot of metal noise. I strongly believe stock this combo has not competition from the left side. It is really that powerful.

  • VS Right Spin Attack:  Another rapid fire showdown. Here both beyblades are at the disadvantage since both are attacking their weak spin side. If they battle does not end up in KOs, it comes down to the best LAD driver. To be honest, there are not many great options from the right side (attack combos) that are well balance to survive a spin showdown against this combo. This combo does it best. 


    What parts do you need to build this combo? 

  • Layer: Rage (Takara Tomy B-168 Rage Longinus)
  • Chip: Helios II (Takara Tomy B-174 Limit Break Set)
  • Driver: Xceed (Takara Tomy B-174 Limit Break Set)
  • Driver Metal Tip: 'Z (Takara Tomy B-174 Limit Break Set)
  • Chasis: 3A (Takara Tomy B-168 Rage Longinus)

    3. Master Longinus Around Drift (Left Spin)


    Comments: The real "OG". Master has been around for quite some time now and STILL extremely competitive. It is one of those layers that almost every blader carry to their final deck. The Master layer has many combo options around the community, but this one is one of the favorites and most reliable options. This combo is inspired by the #1 ranked blader in FL Cscramon. 


    Combo DNA:


    Difficulty to Launch: Moderate


  • This combo is amazing against opposite spin. I would argue is one of the best due to the structure of the combination of Master and Around. To add more awesomeness, the Drift driver makes it a "low-rider" protecting itself from heavy attacks. The Drift driver requires to be awakened, in other words, the tip at the center of the driver needs to be worn to the point of being even with the rest of the driver.  Once the driver is awakened, it requires you to practice a little bit in order to get the feeling of it. The Drift driver is one that can get some time to get used to. Again, practice makes perfect.



  • VS Left Spin Stamina: These are always interesting matches. Both spinning the same direction and looking to out-spin each other. Usually the best driver wins. This combo allows Master to resist any impact from the other layers while providing you an amazing LAD for the last few spins of the battle.  

  • VS Right Spin StaminaThis combo shines here. It spin-steals from its opponent and provide you a very high probability of winning. 

  • VS Left Spin Attack: By the book, left spin attack type are the main weakness for left spin beys. A solid attacker such as Rage can get the best of Master. One amazing thing about this combo is the low-rider structure. It avoids many direct attacks and also have some strong recoil when receiving attacks. This make the attackers retrace extremely fast with a high chance of KO'ing if they find an open pocket instead of a wall.  

  • VS Right Spin Attack: Amazing chances of winning. The key here is to soft launch to spin-steal from your opponent. Avoid strong launching vs Right Attackers since it can get you KO really fast.   

    What parts do you need to build this combo? 

  • Layer: Master (Takara Tomy B-155 Master Diabolos or Takara Tomy WBBA B-00 Master Diabolos (Sky Dragon Ver.))
  • Chip: Longinus (Takara Tomy B-144 Zwei Longinus)
  • Driver: Drift (Takara Tomy B-175 Lucifer The End Kou)
  • Chassis: Around (Takara Tomy B-177 Jet Wyvern)

    4. World Helios II Drift 2B (Left) or  World Lucifer II Drift 2B (Right)


    Comments: I personally love the versatility of this combo. It has the advantage of out-spinning any opponent from both directions since the World layer provides you the flexibility to *interchange the spin direction. This combo make a solid option to spin-steal from your opponents especially with the help of the Drift driver.


    Combo DNA: 


    Difficulty to Launch: Easy




    Alright, since World can be adjusted to spin right or left without affecting performance, I will adjust this section a little to better describe the performance from both directions. 


  • VS Opposite Spin Stamina (left or right): This is where this combo shines. It is an absolute beast. The composition of this combo together with a worn drift driver gives an amazing winning percentage. 

  • VS Same Spin Stamina: In these matches, we are at the disadvantage since we cannot spin-steal from our opponents. The 2B chassis has a "wheel" composition which provides you a safety net when getting hit. For these matches, you will have to hard launch to the best of your experience. PRACTICE hard launches with the Drift driver since it can go wild around the rim VERY quickly when launching aggressively. 

  • VS Opposite Spin Attack: Another shining moment for this combo. The key here is to soft-launch and spin-steal from the aggressiveness of the attacker. It's a beautiful scenery watching this combos gaining momentum while the attacker lose the ability to continue spinning. 

  • VS Same Spin Attack: This is the Achilles' Heal. The chances of winning are not in out favor since the attack combos shines vs same spin. In this case, the best scenario is to get an induced KO by soft launching on the first few seconds of the battle or escaping the first hits and out-spinning your opponent.

    What parts do you need to build this combo? 

  • Layer: World (Takara Tomy B-172 World Spriggan)
  • Chip (Left): Helios II (Takara Tomy B-174 Limit Break Dx Set)
  • Chip (Right): Lucifer II (Takara Tomy B-175 Lucifer The End Kou)
  • Driver: Drift (Takara Tomy B-175 Lucifer The End Kou)

  • 5. Perfect Phoenix Wheel Xt+


    Comments: This is a fun beyblade to compete with. The nature of Phoenix is to release its layer to become an extra weapon on the stadium. This combo is an excellent opposite spin option for your repertory. 


    Combo DNA:


    Difficulty to Launch: Easy


  • The wheel disk make this combo extremely stable. Even with bad launches, it helps you spinning solidly towards the center of the stadium. With that being said, it is a bit 'tricky' to get the Phoenix layer locked on the launcher. The outer layer gets out of position and sometimes it gets stuck. 



  • VS Left Spin Stamina: This combo is perfect versus opposite spin, especially when setting the Xt+ driver on stamina mode. Some of the drivers to watch out for are Drift, Rise, Xt+, and Zone'Z. Opponents with any of those drivers could get you into a spinning showdown.

  • VS Right Spin StaminaThe Xt+ driver has a great same-spin stamina. With a solid launch, you should increase the odds of winning.

  • VS Left Spin Attack: This combo is great versus left spin attacks. The key here is to do a soft-to-moderate launch to avoid any instant ring out and allow the attacker to increase your spin rate while they run out of gas.  Also, the hits from attackers releases the layer faster, sometimes serving to your advantage if the layer stay inside the stadium. 

  • VS Right Spin Attack: Here is the big "IF". Right spin attack types are one of the biggest weakness for right spins beyblades. Here where it come down to strategize your launch to avoid any instant direct attacks and ring outs. If your opponent has an strict attack driver suck as EvolutionJolt or Destroy, it is a good idea to escape for those first 3 seconds of the battle while they exhaust their spinning energy.  If your opponent has a good attack LAD (life after dead) driver such as Destroy, it comes down to the launching strategy of each other. Still, the idea is to avoid getting hit on those first few attacks to increase your chances of out-spinning.

    What parts do you need to build this combo? 

  • Layers: Takara Tomy B-117 Revive Phoenix & Takara Tomy B-131 Dead Phoenix
  • Level Chip: Takara Tomy B-130 06 Random Booster Emperor Forneus (Optional)
  • Disc: Wheel (Takara Tomy B-161 Glide Ragnaruk)
  • *Driver: Xt+ (Takara Tomy B-150 Union Achilles)

    * The Xt+ driver in image above has a gold chip. The B-150 Union Achilles comes with a red chip. The gold chip extension is found in the Long Bey Launcher Set

    Our goal is to help you transition from a recreational blader to a great competitive blader. If you build any of these combos mentioned above you will greatly increase your chances of making it to the finals and potentially winning a tournament. 

    Have you registered to our next tournament? Check them out right here!



    • btw i meant forget about my first comment. your shop is amazing, DONT forget that.


      I can't tell you that I'm afraid, its very personal

    • you know what, forget what i just said.


      I can't tell you that I'm afraid, its very personal

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