How to Quickly Spot FAKE Beyblades Before & After Purchases
, by Concepcion Guzman, 6 min reading time
, by Concepcion Guzman, 6 min reading time
What’s worse than purchasing a highly desired Beyblade to find out you cannot use it during Beyblade tournaments?
Unfortunately, this is the case for many first-time players/parents. With this guide, we are looking to provide you with all the necessary basic information to make educated purchases and avoid being burned by fake Beyblade sellers.
In this article we highlighted very important areas for you to consider before making your purchases.
To start, the basic rule of thumb is to only purchase Hasbro and Takara Tomy brands. These are the only 2 brands allowed during competitive burst format tournaments under the World Beyblade Organization (WBO).
Let's start with the most common one...
Hasbro is focused on selling at major retailers’ chains such as Walmart and Target. They usually come packaging like the image below. These are the most accessible Beyblades in the market, but not necessarily the best ones to compete.
Now, the favorite brand for competitive blading...
Takara Tomy is a Japanese brand with very limited retail market in USA. Only few online stores sell authentic products and this include us, BeybladePremier.com. This is the brand you want to purchase in order to have the best experience in our tournaments. The quality, design, and structure are extremely noticeable when comparing to Hasbro. It is the clear winner for competitive blading. Here is an example of the packaging.
Now, here is where it gets trickier...
You (or your child) got into competitive blading and now you want to get your hands on some Takara Tomys'. But, where do you go to purchase them safely and/or how to know if you are buying the real deal?
Let’s start with the obvious choice… Amazon.
This is the 'mecca' of fake Beyblades. Here is where you can fill your Beyblade storage case with fakes ones without noticing it. Here are some pointers for you.
As you can see below, the title and image gives you the impression that you are buying the real product at a VERY cheap price of $8.99.
One of the main things to notice among fake sellers is that the name of the product title does not include the word “Takara Tomy”.
"Most" sellers offering fake Beyblades cannot and will not use "Takara Tomy" in their product title neither will use the real product packaging images. They only show you the image of the actual Beyblade, but not the packaging.
Also, if you scroll down to the description section, you can confirm that the manufacturer name is not Takara Tomy and the description does not include important keywords such as "Takara Tomy" or "Hasbro".
Most fake Beyblade sellers will use words such as “Bey Burst”, “Bey Battle”, “Battling Tops”, “Gyros” in the titles and descriptions. You want to stay away from those since those are not authentic.
Here is an example of a potential authentic product in Amazon. As you can see the title, brand, and images seem to be accurate.
Please note: We do not know this seller neither take responsibility for authenticity of this listing. We are only using it for educational purposes.
As you can notice, Ebay sellers share the same structure as Amazon. Real product image, no image of the real packaging, and no “Takara Tomy” on title, brand name, and/or description.
Authentic Beyblades have very specific characteristics that fake brands cannot replicate. Here is how to spot fake parts:
Layer Screw Type: An easy way to tell whether a layer is fake or not is to look on its underside and check what type of screws are holding it together. If it is not using tri-wing screws or headless screws, it is fake.
Here is an example with the Phoenix layer...
Mold Markings: You can almost always tell from the letters/numbers/stars that are usually on the bottom of the Beyblade. Each Beyblade part has a different spot, but every real part will always have one. Most fakes will not have a mold marking because they use copying methods that aren't precise enough to replicate the finest details.
Metal Disks (with no gimmicks): Check the star markings/emboss. They are usually flattened out and either show as circular stamps or are very deformed shapes if the part is fake.
Drivers: All authentic drivers will have copyright information. Also, most fake drivers do not have the right gimmicks in place. For example, this fake yard metal driver (on the right) does not have a rolling orbit and it has Phillip's head screws.
As you can see, there are many easy ways to spot fake Beyblades and to make educated purchases.
Now that you are an expert... have you have any bad experience with fake Beyblades? Let us know in our social channels!
Here at BeybladePremier.com we specialize in bringing you the best quality Beyblades directly from Japan. We are also the fastest online store in USA to receive and ship new Takara Tomy releases. As bladers ourselves, we understand the importance of getting new releases faster than anyone for getting an edge on testing and ready for tournaments.
Gear up today! We are proud to offer you free shipping (ALL ORDERS) and get your products on its way in 24 hours or less from your purchase.
World Beyblade Organization - Organizer's Guide
i have purchesd fake metal fury bayblades and there cool but there not takara tomy or hasbro so if you could give me advice on those it would be great and if you could send me some that be great just want to wait for comment back though before adress
Are all your Beys really genuine TT?