Here's Why You Need The Dynamite Battle Stadium
, by Dee Blader, 4 min reading time
, by Dee Blader, 4 min reading time
The standard B-183 Dynamite Battle Stadium is the best stadium to use competivitively and casually for Dynamite and Burst Ultimate Beyblades.
When battling your Beyblades with family, friends, or competitively, nothing is more important than the stadium. Without it, you'll be launching your Beys into oblivion!
If you play for fun, then using a Beyblade stadium from Takara Tomy or Hasbro is totally fine. And if you enter an event or competition, the organizers will determine what stadium they'll be using at the event; so be sure to check with them.
But when you're primarily playing with Dynamite Battle (DB) and Burst Ultimate (BU) Beyblades, it's highly recommended that you use the B-183 standard Dynamite Battle stadium and here's why.
Since you're using the latest Takara Tomy Beyblades from Japan, you should stick to their latest standard stadium. Takara Tomy themselves designed the B-183 standard stadium to be used in all their official WBBA (World Beyblade Association) events.
At a WBBA event, you put together 5G or 3G teams. These teams have either 5 Beyblade combos or 3 Beyblade combos (with no repeating parts and only 1 Bey allowed that can switch spin modes). Although you can't change your combos during a match, this format allows you to get the most enjoyment from Beyblade since you can strategically put together more combos and use more of your favorite Beys for sure!
The WBBA is similar to the NBA or National Basketball Association. The NBA has specific standards when it comes to court size, basketballs, and the rules. Playing with DB and BU Beys in the DB stadium is the same. However, you're also free to compete with any Bey from the entire Burst series.
And of course, you can play basketball at the park, a middle school, high school gym, or even with your own homemade hoop. The same is true with Beyblade using any stadium you want. But if you want to play with the official WBBA format using 5G and 3G teams, the DB stadium is the way to go bro!
When compared to the old standard stadium, the DB stadium has 2 larger KO pockets instead of 4 smaller ones. The curvature at the center is slightly steeper and makes for more intense stamina battles. The farther outer ridge can generate more speed and give attack type Beys a better chance at knocking out opposing Beys that are moving around, and also a chance at a one-shot KO towards the center Bey. This makes for a perfect balance between stamina types, defense types, attack types, and balance types. It's fair game!
The best part about the DB stadium is the overall wider radius and bigger size. The DB stadium is large enough to handle the evolving speed and power of DB and BU Beys. In the old standard stadium, the DB and BU Beys take up almost the entire space. They can barely move around and never reach their maximum speeds and power. This is why the old standard stadium is best used for battling Beys up to Superking Series.
Lastly, it's becoming more evident that buying the official older standard stadium is more difficult and expensive. Hopefully, Takara Tomy starts reproducing the old standard stadium in order to support the GT series format.
And here's the best part; the Takara Tomy All-In-One Sets come with a Dynamite Battle Stadium and two powerful DB Beys that are great for building up your favorite combos for 5G and 3G teams!
This October, the newest set will comes with a Golden Chain Kerbeus and White Dynamite Bel! That Golden Kerbeus looks awesome and that is one of the hardest cores to get. It features a rubber padded slope that you need in your collection. It's a powerful part indeed. The Dynamite layer is also the best recolor yet and although it's not top-tier currently, new attachable gears are being released that might change that!
So make sure to check out all the details and Pre-Order the B-204 All-In-One Set now! It's a great value and has everything you need to play right out the box!