Best B-193 Ultimate Valkyrie Meta Combos for Dynamite Battle & Burst Ultimate

Best B-193 Ultimate Valkyrie Meta Combos for Dynamite Battle & Burst Ultimate

, by Dee Blader, 4 min reading time

When you're battling your Beys on the Dynamite Battle Standard Stadium, this guide will help you build the best combos for your 5G and 3G teams! Let's GO! In this third part, we'll look at building the best combo with the B-193 Ultimate Valkyrie energy layer. Ultimate and Savior Valkyrie are the strongest right spin attack-types in this series, but they require a combination of launching skill and a more balanced combination of parts.


This is a must-have competitive release that you can pick up in either the Ultimate Valkyrie booster or the B-205 Burst Spriggan Ultimate Versus set


B-193 Ultimate Valkyrie - Right Spin Attack Hero



The Ultimate Layer


The Ultimate layer is almost perfect-- if only it had three metal inserts on the wings like Winning Valkyrie, that would have been awesome! Still, having three slanted rubber blades is an aggressive style. This layer has the power to make smash attacks and it doesn't have to remain perfectly upright. Drivers that let your combo tilt can still be effective since the slanted blades of this layer have rubber edges all the way through. 



Choosing Your Core

There are plenty of right-spin cores you can choose based on your preference of style-- but you'll want to use one that helps keep your combo from bursting since it will be attacking. The best choices for this role are the new Bel cores with burst locks, the Valkyrie or Phoenix cores because they have strong cogs/clicks, and Kerbeus if you use a non-dash driver due to his rubber slope.


Choosing Your Armor


This is the easiest part of the combo since the included armor 9 ha a good weight and an uneven shape that helps make the Ultimate energy attack stronger and move more.


Choosing Your Forge Disc


You might think using the heaviest forge disc is good for attack types, and this is mostly true, but not in all cases. What's more important is an overall weight balance that's not too heavy, but heavy enough to make strong smash attacks against tank defense-types. In this case, you'll want to use a middle-weight forge disc like Giga. Giga is your best choice because it's heavier than the stock Legacy disc, lighter than Over, and not as wide as Illegal. It also tapers upwards which helps with minimizing scraping.


Choosing Your Driver


This is where the magic happens, and is the most critical part of this combo. In past stadiums and formats, making an attack type was as easy as slapping on a fast rubber driver like Xtreme' and launching a flower attack pattern, and hoping for the best.


Now, in the new Dynamite Battle Stadium, the larger area and steeper slope mean that most of the old rubber drivers no longer work. If you still want to be as aggressive as possible with a rubber driver, you'll want to use Evolution' or the new Xplosion. You'll need to launch as powerfully as possible (the Sword Launcher helps a lot) and you'll need to aim in anticipation of where your opponent's Bey will travel so that you can intercept it. The Evolution driver likes to stay on the tornado ring so it's great at KO'ing opposing Beys that move around the stadium, meanwhile, the Xplosion has more varied movement and can hit opposing stamina-type Beys that like to stay in the middle.


The final way to maximize this combo is to build it to be more a balance-type so that it has decent attack power, but also has a better chance to get final spin and get a draw at the very least.  In this mode, you'll want to use a driver like High Xtend+' or the new Zeal, which makes your combo into a stationary attacker. Stationary attacker combos were popular during the Cho-Z and GT meta, but most Bladers have forgotten or don't realize the benefits of this strategy.


The Best DB/BU B-193 Ultimate Valkyrie Meta Combo


In conclusion, when building this combo, you'll make you decisions based on how you want to arrange your entire set of Beys for the battle. Remember, when putting together a 5G or 3G set, there can be no repeated parts whatsoever. 


Building the best Ultimate Valkyrie combo is a fun, challenging, and exciting. Try out our recommendations, and practice launching against as many different opposing Beys as possible so you can fine tune your combo. Stay Blading!


You can buy all of these parts from us and get the fastest free shipping. You'll also earn Beybucks to use for more Beys! If you haven't already, you can read about why you need the Dynamite Battle Standard Stadium and why should be playing on it!


  • You should do savior calorie with gigs and quick dash.



  • This combo is a great combo, i will admit, but it desperately needs two things, Nexus+S and Quick’ for the standard stadium, which is still the most common type of stadium due to the fact that it has #1, been around way longer than the Dynamite stadium, and #2, it is more suited to all types than the DB stadium, Bearing drivers tip over and scrape in the DB stadium, attack type drivers can’t grip the tornado ridge in the DB stadium due to the fact that the tornado ridge is virtually microscopic, and balance type drivers like Quattro and Unite are still extremely aggressive, meaning they mostly get stuck on the tornado ridge, all of this is why i say to use Nexus+S or Nexus+D on Quick’ on this combo and use the Standard stadium for all future testing of all types of combos



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